Fiesta Update: Our annual event is down to the final week and any donated items can be dropped off at parish office. Raffle tickets can be placed into the collection baskets. Thank You for all your support. We are still recruiting volunteers to help during the fiesta in both food and game booths.
Thank you to all the volunteers who helped with the cleaning of the patio in preparation for our annual fiesta: Robert, Dolores Mendoza, Tommy & Michael Macias, Albert Mendoza, Donna Still and Yolanda Guzman Your commitment and dedications are appreciated.
Finance Report: Detailed information insert is attached. Please continue to support our parish financially to enable us to pay bills, other financial obligations and commitments. Should you have any questions or clarification on this report, please do not hesitate to call the office or come in person. May God bless all your efforts and sacrifices.
Religious Education Program: We are hopingto start classes soon. Registration forms are available at the Parish office. Need volunteers to help out with religious classes, You can call office if more information is needed.
Parish would like to Thank Ruben Castro for accepting to be our new Director of Religious Education with Rosemary Quiroz as assistance and thank the other teachers Mike Zavala, April Juarez, Theresa Sestiaga and Chris Garland (pending the clearance). Thank Theresa Sestiaga for the great services and sacrifices as our former director of religious education.
Fiesta Church set up will start on Sunday, September 8th after the 10 am Mass. The Knights of Columbus members and volunteers are needed to help in getting the church grounds ready for the fiesta.
Parish would like to thank Connie Perez for selling 361 raffle booklets, in amount of $3,160.00. Also thank all parishioners for their efforts in selling raffle tickets.
Thank You Joaquin Mancinas for the repairs in the parish office.
Fiesta Queen fundraiser is still currently going on and last day of sales will be on Friday, Sept 13th for the apple raffle which includes: a Mini Ipad 7, apple pencil and airpods 2nd gen. The Rummage and Burrito sale proceeds amount to $2,451.00.